Monday, January 12, 2009

Wonky Head

Kyle, John, Maya, Alex, Olivia holding Avery, Me holding Mary
Our Grandkids

What is wonky head, you ask. Well, it is a term coined by other people that have acoustic neuromas (or ANer's) that means any abnormal feeling going on in your head. This brings me to the point. My main symptom is wonky head. Sometimes it is vertigo, or dizziness. Sometimes it feels like an earthquake is going on. Sometimes it feels like a wave is washing over me. This happens somewhere between 15 and 20 times per hour. My body is constantly trying to adjust. This, in turn, brings on fatigue. It is very tiring to try to balance all day long and even when you are laying down, things can be out of whack.

I'm going to start from the beginning a tell the whole story. I know many people that suffer from this. Many have decided to "wait and see", some have radiation (there are many different types to choose from), and then surgery. All of these can have different outcomes and whatever decision is made can only be made by the patient. One day I want this over and the next day I'm scared to death! The decisions are not easy because in only some instances is it life threatening. When it is, no problemo! The decision is made. But, for those of us that fall into that no man's land of wanting to be better, but possibly coming out worse, really have a tough time working through the possiblities. As I break down my journey, you will see that I have tried many different things, all hoping for a miracle. Not so fast! There's more to it than that. Follow my story as I slowly write it and if it helps just one person, all the time spent will be worth it.

Thought for today:

Happiness has to be practiced, like the violin.

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