Thursday, December 3, 2009

My First Born

Jay at 3 months
Exactly 41 years ago today I was a very busy person. My first born, John Thomas Wright, III arrived a little late into this world at 10:36 PM. It was a very long day. But I digress. Let's start at the beginning. It was in April, 1968 that I found out that I was pregnant. It was good timing because his Dad was graduating from UGA in June and the baby would be born in December. Back then finding out was not nearly as quick as it is today. I left a urine specimen at the doctor's office door with my name on it and they called me at work to let me know. I was truly happy. It was a turbulant time in our history. Right after finding out that I was pregnant, Martin Luther King was assasinated and shortly thereafter Robert Kennedy.

We moved to Macon after graduation and lived next door to my Mother and Daddy. Some may think that that would not be a good thing to do, but it was really good to have both parents close at hand. I was scared to death!!!!! I just didn't think that I would be capable of bringing a baby into this world. I'm not sure why. I remember when Jay's birth was getting near that Mother told me to get all the new baby things washed so they would be ready when I got home from the hospital. I told her that I didn't want to do that because I couldn't return them if something happened. She prevailed and I got ready.

My pregnancy was beautiful. I never had a sick day. In fact, I felt really, really good all the time. The birth, however, was another story. I won't go into details but suffice it to say, it was not pleasant. I weighed a whopping 90 pounds when I got pregnant and Jay weighed 7 lbs 2 oz, so you get the picture. I had such a difficult time that they kept me in the hospital for a full week! The thing that kept me going was that I would look around and know that everyone got here the same way.

I chose this picture of Jay because I have a perfect memory of getting the picture made. People were standing around and oohing and ahhing over the pretty baby. I thought they were being polite. I knew he was beautiful because he was mine. It really hit me that he WAS a beautiful baby when someone passing said to their friend "What a beautiful baby!". It was not intended for me to hear. I was just so filled with pride! I had done it!!!
Jay's First Haircut
Obviously, a traumatic event

Jay's First Birthday
I made the cake!

It was in July before Jay's first birthday that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. They did a live broadcast of the big event and I will always remember that Jay was sitting in my lap and I was rocking him when the big event occurred. It's funny how certain things stand out in your mind. This was at Mother and Daddy's house. Daddy was really a spoiler. He would give each grandson a basket when they entered Rose's (a Wal-mart type store) and say "Boys, fill'er up". And they would. He would also give Jay a candy bar while he was sitting on top of the breakfast room table while Mother was cooking dinner. I would say "Don't do that!" And the reply from Daddy would be, "You do at your house what you want, but here, I do what I want to!" (I have possession of that table now and everytime I put a table cloth on it, I think of that moment.)

Jay's First Christmas
He didn't seem to impressed with Santa.

The two of us when Jay was about 8 months old.
We were on our way to church.
This is my favorite picture of us together.

Oops, uploaded twice.

Jay at about 4 years old
This is one of my favorite pictures. He looks so happy and his eyes are so blue!

Jay's Senior Picture

One of my proudest moments was Jay's graduation from college. He made me so proud. I actually cried during his graduation and I don't cry often and this was inspite of the loud crowd and hoopla that goes on at a UGA ceremony.

Jay with Olivia and Mary

Jay with Alex

Jay as a Father

There are a few moments in a person's life that is imprinted on the brain forever no matter how long ago it occurred. The moment that Jay was placed in my arms for the first time. (I had to beg the nurse to bring him to me. She said I wouldn't remember it because of the meds, but I do.) The walk on the moon. His graduation from High School. His graduation from College. Seeing each of my Grandchildren for the first time and that overwhelming feeling that comes from that very special moment. I remember my Daddy saying that he didn't mind dying at a young age except he felt like he was the backstop for his grandchildren. I didn't understant it then, but I do now.

Life gets busy, but everyday I see something or hear something that makes me think of my son, especially songs from the 80's!!!

I love you, Son!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Honey, I'm home.......

A17th Anniversary trip to Blowing Rock, NC
September, 2008

This was taken around our first anniversary.

Our Wedding Day

September 20, 1991

We started our journey together in 1991. And, as of this past Thursday, my sweetie will be retired and at home with me all the time. I have been anticipating this moment for many years. You see, we really do enjoy each others company and we really do enjoy doing some of the same things. That's not to say that we don't have our separate hobbies because we do. He loves the land and getting on his tractor and bushhogging. He loves to garden. He loves to build things. He really loves the challenge of trying to fix something that is broken. He actually loves home repair and maintenance. He loves doing acts of charity by helping those that need a helping hand. He loves old movies. He loves the computer and hates it at the same time!

He has a few collections going on also. We have traveled far and wide and enjoyed searching for different things. Most of you who know him knows what his favorite collection is but we won't print it here. He has an awesome wood working shop with every imaginable piece of woodworking equipment available, both new and antique. He collects Hard Rock Cafe pins. He has a rather large collection of Allstate mementos that have been given out as promotional items. He loves photography and has several really nice cameras and has all our photos cataloged and organized and backed up for safe keeping.

One thing that he really loves is to travel. We have been lucky enough to do quite a bit of traveling over the past 18 years, but now we hope to do even more. One of our dreams is to buy a fifth wheel and head out to see as many of our great national treasures as possible. It will be so different to leave and not have to really hurry back as we have in the past. He says he loves our "windshield" time together. While we're driving through the boring parts of a trip, I usually read a novel out loud. We have read most of John Grisham's books this way and really enjoyed talking about them as the plot unfolds, sort of like a mini book club. Another thing that we have done is purchase a Christmas ornament from every place that we have traveled. As we have decorated our tree over the years, we laugh and remember our good times. As it relates to travel (and in many other ways as well) we are truly soul mates.

It is really hard to believe that after 33 years with the same company that "R" Day has finally arrived. He has many times said he wonders what it will feel like the first morning that he wakes up and realizes that he no longer has the responsibilities that he has had for so many years. I was going to ask him this morning, but he's up and gone to get his computer repaired. This is just like him! Not wasting a minute. He has a list of 25 things that he would like to get accomplished around the farm and I asked him what were his plans for the second week!

Of all the people in the world, I am so happy that he is my eternal companion. It must be so because just yesterday at church someone said that we look so happy. And, we are!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You have another son.........

Joel Marcus Wright

May 18, 1970

4:06 PM

Here is what I wrote in Joe's baby book.

After my regular weekly examination on Thursday, May 14, Dr. Rogers suggested that if I had no signs of labor beginning that I should go to the hospital on Monday and have labor induced. We arrived at the hospital (Macon Hospital) around 8:30 AM. By 10:30 AM I was having something for pain. At 6:00 PM I was awake long enough for Dr. Gibson to tell me that I had another son that weighed 8 lbs. 2 1/2 oz. and that he was doing fine. I was taken to my room around 7:00 PM and shortly after that they put Joe into my arms.

Joe at 2 months

Jay with Joe

Jay was saying "ont cwy, Joe" and then laughing.

Joe's first haircut at 1 year

Me holding Joe when he was just a few weeks old.

Joe in a state of the art seat.

How were we not arrested for child endangerment?

Sorry, boys! Every Mom probably has a picture like this.

Playing out in the backyard on a hot summer day.

Jay and Joe

Joe on Christmas morning

Joe and me

We were at Disney World


He played for a recreational park program.

One of my favorite elementary school photos.

One of my favorite middle school photos.

Getting his high school diploma

Tucker High School

Class of 1988

June 14, 1988

Senior Picture


Photo for his modeling portfolio

He was about 20, I think.


The Haunting of Hill House

DeKalb Junior College

May, 1990

When Joe attended DeKalb, he called one afternoon to say that he had decided to try out for the school drama department's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I thought he would try out and that would be that. I hoped that he would not be disappointed when he didn't get the part. Well, he got the part and went on to be in many more plays at the school with many leading roles. He took every drama class that they offered. I finally told him that he couldn't go four years to a two year college. He is very talented and always made me proud!

The ugly step-sister


DeKalb College


A photo that would make any Mother proud. I still laugh out loud when I see this!

The two of us in 2006

Joe showing us his pride and joy - a 1988 Ford Mustang Convertible

Joe with me on the day that I was installed as an officer in
The Order of the Eastern Star
Madison Chapter 335
Madison, Georgia
April, 2007

Joe was a very peaceful baby. Mother said all May babies were and she always knew. I can remember so many cute things that he said as a little guy. The funniest to me was when he knew that Jay spelled his name J A Y. He said that his name was spelled Joe O E.

He walked alone at eight months old. Very early! He rarely cried as a baby and I remember his 5 AM feedings as just a joy. You would feed him, change his diaper and he was ready for a nap. I just don't remember him being fussy at all.

One of the greatest gifts that Joe possesses is his kindness toward others. When he was in the second grade, he took a little boy that was deaf under his wing. The teacher said that he helped him all day long. When he would find out that our waitress was a single Mom, he would always tip around 50%. He would share anything that he has with someone in need. Even today, he donates a lot of his time to Habitat for Humanity and loves the work that they do for the needy. His compassion is unparalleled! He has such a good heart!

And then there was the time that I had to have radiation to my brain. I came home from the hospital and was very heavily medicated, but every time I woke up I saw a clown in full dress juggling at the foot of my bed. I thought that I was hallucinating! Guess who it was? And, yes, he can juggle and make balloon animals!

He brings me such joy. He is a wonderful son and I thought it only appropriate that I honor him with a little write up during his birthday month. (Beware Jay, you will be coming up soon!) He is a great man with honesty and integrity and a strong belief system. Great things are coming for him and he is going to reap the rewards of all the kindnesses that he has shown to others over the years. I'm not going to share too many secrets, but I did want to let him know that I love you, Son and I am proud to be your Mother. There are moments that are imprinted in our memory for life and one of mine is the moment that you were placed in my arms.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Honey, can we get a Yorkie? I've always wanted one.

Bringing Mattie home

It was a beautiful day in December, 2004, two days after my birthday when my sweet husband and I enjoyed a lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I said "While you pay the check, I'd like to go next door to the pet shop."

For some time, we had discussed getting a small dog because I was having health problems and he was traveling quite a bit, so we both thought that I would enjoy the companionship of a dog. John was raised in the country and had had outside dogs, but never one that lived inside. I, on the other hand, had only had inside dogs that were treated like people - namely a few poodles.

I went into the pet store and there was one little bitty Yorkie in a big cage all by herself. I asked the owner if we could get her out. (She had a huge, and I do mean HUGE, price tag.) The pet shop owner got her out and all one pound of her pranced around the store like she owned it! She played and was just "Miss Personality". By the time John got into the pet shop, I was already smitten! Honey, this is the one! I want her! As a side note here, I really didn't care whether it was a male or female and John had only two requirements. One, it cannot bite any grandchildren and two, it would not stop us from traveling. I agreed to both with no problems because who really wants a dog that bites. Right?

He said okay and we started the paper work and the pet shop owner gave us a cage and food so that we'd have everything that we need for the first few days. She told me to put a heating pad on low under her cage at night to keep her warm. So, we were all set!

We bring her home and I think she slept in that cage for about a week and John just couldn't stand it. She was in bed with us from that moment on!

Within just a few short months, Mr "she can't bite and she won't stop us from traveling" was totally loving this little ball of energy. Now he says, "well, no one needs to put their hands near her" and "we'll just pay to take her with us" and that's how it's been.

She is really great on a trip. She rides in her little safety seat on the console and knows what the rest stops are for. The great thing about traveling with her is that people come up and talk to you that you would have walked by on the street. We have met some really wonderful people on our journeys and have heard wonderful stories about their pets and have had lots of questions asked about Mattie.

Here she is getting into contraband - a Christmas present!

She is named for two of my great-great grandmothers. While doing genealogy, I found two great-great grandmothers whose name was Matilda - one on each side of my family. Her registered name is Lilly Matilda. The Lilly is for John's grandmother that lived to be 101.

This is in Blowing Rock, NC - one of our favorite places.

This is in front of the visitor's center there. I had so many people stop to talk. There were several that wanted their picture taken with her.

Mattie with her favorite ball.

When she was a few weeks old, John came home with this purple ball. He rolled it on the floor and she went for it and immediately brought it back. He said, "Oh, isn't that cute? She fetches." Little did we know!!!!! She can tell time. At three o'clock, on the dot, she brings that ball out of nowhere and it's play time. She will bark until you throw it! She will fetch it for as long as you'll throw it. We have to say, "It's time to put the ball up." Reluctantly she will surrender her ball. We play for long periods of time, but after two to three hours, we have to stop. Needless to say, the Vet notices that she stays at her trim 4.9 lbs and has since she was a little over a year old. Here's an interesting little side note. She will not play with any other ball. We have tried to replace this scummy (although we wash it often) ball several times. She will not fetch another one. John tries to fool her. He'll hide the purple one and throw a red or green one and she'll go and smell it and come back with a funny look on her face. She is just too funny!!!

Here we are doing genealogy work at my family cemetery. She's wearing her matching sun visor and collar and leash.

This was our 2006 Christmas Card photo.

I think this photo says it all. This is on Christmas morning. If you look closely, you can see her kissing me. She is mine in the morning and John's in the evening. It's like she evenly divides her day between us. We didn't do it, she did! She sits close to me or in my lap in the morning and she finds him in the afternoon for her fetch fetish!!

One thing I do know. We have our precious pets for such a short time! When I am knitting or sewing and she comes to get in my lap, I stop what I'm doing and love her until she's ready to get down. I don't want to ever feel that I should have spent more time with her or have any memories of brushing her aside. I just stop what I'm doing. How important is knitting or sewing anyway?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Honey, will you paint our bedroom?

Seems like a simple request, doesn't it? As you can see, the bedroom was a dark colored plum. I was really getting tired of it, so I said, "Honey, will you paint our bedroom my favorite color?" Of course he said "Yes" and the adventure began. That was in early November.

The color was picked out and the new carpet was ordered. We also decided to update the fixtures as well. We custom ordered really nice expensive Delta fixtures from Lowe's. I'm telling you they were Delta because that's important to the story.

The fixtures were shipped directly to our home and arrived in about ten days. John immediately installed the faucets because the room had been painted. The painting was no easy job because going from a dark color to a light color requires Kilz plus two coats of paint, but that went rather quickly.

The fixture made for the Roman tub just wouldn't go in. We went back to Lowe's and were told that we needed new valves, so they were ordered. Another ten day wait for the valves. I had ordered new bedding and it had arrived and was safely tucked away waiting for the room to be finished. Lowe's is calling every Monday to see when the carpet can be installed and I am telling them that there is a plumbing problem and the carpet has to be last. They just want to be sure that I am happy.

Keep in mind that John is traveling and out from three to four nights a week, so all the work has to be done on the weekends.

The new valves arrive and on the next weekend John tries once again to install the fixture for the Roman tub, but it just won't fit. When he leaves on Monday, I call my new best friend at Lowe's, Wayne, and tell him the new valve just won't fit. (John is not a plumber, but there really isn't much that he can't do.) Wayne asks the million dollar question that has not been asked before. "What kind of fixtures do you have?" I take the phone with me into the shower and in little bitty letters I tell Wayne "Price Pfister". He says, "Well, that valve will never fit. Let me explain it to you. It would be like trying to put Chevrolet parts on a Ford. You will need to bring those fixtures back and order Price Pfister." Okay, John will be home Friday and we'll bring the Delta's back and order Price Pfister.

On Saturday off we go to Lowe's once again. After thinking about it, I decide since the brass Delta's need to go back (the entire bathroom is in brass), why don't we update to brushed nickel. So when we get to Lowe's, I pick out Price Pfister fixtures that are very close to the Delta's in style, all in brushed nickel.

Have you looked around your bathroom and noticed how much metal there is? Shower trim, knobs, hinges (both door and cabinet), door handles and light fixtures are all matching, so now we have to replace all of it. Oh, I forgot towel bars and toilet paper holder as well.

Then the hunt begins. We find the cabinet hinges at Home Depot, the cabinet knobs and door handles and hinges at Lowe's. The new light fixtures at a local light fixture company. This takes quite a while. The cabinet needs repainting and the only thing I could think to do for the shower trim was to paint it. Lowe's recommended a paint that would adhere to the metal and that painting had to be done. All of these swap outs are a lot of work and meanwhile, Lowe's is calling every Monday to see if they can install the carpet.

Finally everything is painted. All the light fixtures, towel bars, knobs and hinges are in place and we are ready to have the carpet installed. One little deviation from the story. We had not had draperies on our bedroom windows and I wanted them for a little color. I needed a ten foot pole to put up (insert your on ten foot pole joke here) the draperies because the window is eight feet wide. I had to go to the department that sells hand railings and get a round pole that is unfinished, so John had to paint the drapery rod and install the finials.

As we are doing our final walk through with the carpet installers coming on Monday, I go, "Oh, no! The ceiling fan is brass!!!" So, off to Lowe's again and we purchase a great new ceiling fan in brushed nickel so that everything will match.

The carpet installers arrive on Monday and do an excellent job of getting the new carpet in and at last, I can put the new bedding on. This is the results.

I monogrammed our new red towels and put out the new lamp. We carefully selected the wall hangings from the many that we have and hung them in place.

The final touch is the new flower arrangement for the counter top. We had it custom made and I think the florist did a magnificent job getting the right colors. Because she knew that it would be reflected in the mirror, she made the back as pretty as the front.

We have the room roped off, sort of like they do at Mount Vernon and other historical homes. You can just peep in. I guess we'll soon actually walk on the new carpet, but in the meantime, I have to say that my sweet husband never once complained about what I wanted. He saw the vision too, and just four months and a few days later, it is finally finished!