May 18, 1970
4:06 PM
Here is what I wrote in Joe's baby book.
After my regular weekly examination on Thursday, May 14, Dr. Rogers suggested that if I had no signs of labor beginning that I should go to the hospital on Monday and have labor induced. We arrived at the hospital (Macon Hospital) around 8:30 AM. By 10:30 AM I was having something for pain. At 6:00 PM I was awake long enough for Dr. Gibson to tell me that I had another son that weighed 8 lbs. 2 1/2 oz. and that he was doing fine. I was taken to my room around 7:00 PM and shortly after that they put Joe into my arms.

Joe at 2 months

Jay with Joe
Jay was saying "ont cwy, Joe" and then laughing.

Joe's first haircut at 1 year

Me holding Joe when he was just a few weeks old.

Joe in a state of the art seat.
How were we not arrested for child endangerment?

Sorry, boys! Every Mom probably has a picture like this.
Playing out in the backyard on a hot summer day.

Jay and Joe

Joe on Christmas morning

Joe and me
We were at Disney World

He played for a recreational park program.

One of my favorite elementary school photos.

One of my favorite middle school photos.

Getting his high school diploma
Tucker High School
Class of 1988
June 14, 1988

Senior Picture

Photo for his modeling portfolio
He was about 20, I think.

The Haunting of Hill House
DeKalb Junior College
May, 1990
When Joe attended DeKalb, he called one afternoon to say that he had decided to try out for the school drama department's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I thought he would try out and that would be that. I hoped that he would not be disappointed when he didn't get the part. Well, he got the part and went on to be in many more plays at the school with many leading roles. He took every drama class that they offered. I finally told him that he couldn't go four years to a two year college. He is very talented and always made me proud!

The ugly step-sister
DeKalb College
A photo that would make any Mother proud. I still laugh out loud when I see this!

The two of us in 2006

Joe with me on the day that I was installed as an officer in
The Order of the Eastern Star
Madison Chapter 335
Madison, Georgia
April, 2007
Joe was a very peaceful baby. Mother said all May babies were and she always knew. I can remember so many cute things that he said as a little guy. The funniest to me was when he knew that Jay spelled his name J A Y. He said that his name was spelled Joe O E.
He walked alone at eight months old. Very early! He rarely cried as a baby and I remember his 5 AM feedings as just a joy. You would feed him, change his diaper and he was ready for a nap. I just don't remember him being fussy at all.
One of the greatest gifts that Joe possesses is his kindness toward others. When he was in the second grade, he took a little boy that was deaf under his wing. The teacher said that he helped him all day long. When he would find out that our waitress was a single Mom, he would always tip around 50%. He would share anything that he has with someone in need. Even today, he donates a lot of his time to Habitat for Humanity and loves the work that they do for the needy. His compassion is unparalleled! He has such a good heart!
And then there was the time that I had to have radiation to my brain. I came home from the hospital and was very heavily medicated, but every time I woke up I saw a clown in full dress juggling at the foot of my bed. I thought that I was hallucinating! Guess who it was? And, yes, he can juggle and make balloon animals!
He brings me such joy. He is a wonderful son and I thought it only appropriate that I honor him with a little write up during his birthday month. (Beware Jay, you will be coming up soon!) He is a great man with honesty and integrity and a strong belief system. Great things are coming for him and he is going to reap the rewards of all the kindnesses that he has shown to others over the years. I'm not going to share too many secrets, but I did want to let him know that I love you, Son and I am proud to be your Mother. There are moments that are imprinted in our memory for life and one of mine is the moment that you were placed in my arms.
What a great walk down memory lane. I know Joe is so proud to call you his mother--who has always stood by him and supported him with acts of love, kindness and direction! Joe in turn has been that son who has always supported his mother! What a great mother/son story. BTW--you looked so young in those early photos--and you were--not to mention that the years have been good to you and you still look young to me!!!