Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Mother holding me - probably 1946

Marie Newsome Horne

Today is the day that I think of my Mother. She was definitely one of a kind. I would describe her as the original Steel Magnolia. Strong, never waivering. I don't remember her crying more than once or twice in my life. She instilled in me my strength and resolve.

Here are some of my memories:

She was an excellent cook. She would put Paula Deen to shame. We had very elaborate meals prepared from scratch every single day. Our Sunday meal was like most people's holiday fare. Daddy was a hunter and she cooked what he brought home. She often said if it "walked, crawled, or flew", he'd want her to cook it. We had many exotic foods to try as well as the usual southern fried chicken, fried fish, hush puppies, slaw, mashed potatoes, and every kind of vegetable that could be grown. There were at least four or five different kinds of peas alone. I do plan to share her recipes and that of my grandmother's someday. Oh, and the biscuits. There is nothing to compare them to - not even Cracker Barrel.

I've decided to share more of the memories that I have in small snippits. Topics with pictures. So, more to come later.

Mother had many sayings. One of my favorites was:

There is no greater love than the love a Mother has for her child.


  1. What great photos - your mother was a beautiful woman!

  2. ...and of course I saw for a few years first hand the caring devotion she had for pets of all kinds--mostly strays! From time to time I would try to stop and visit a few minutes when she lived in Warner Robbins and I had travelled the week in south Georgia. She always had a couple of cats that no one else would have wanted--ones that had special needs vis a vis Bubba--now there's a great story for another time and place--LOL!
