Exactly 41 years ago today I was a very busy person. My first born, John Thomas Wright, III arrived a little late into this world at 10:36 PM. It was a very long day. But I digress. Let's start at the beginning. It was in April, 1968 that I found out that I was pregnant. It was good timing because his Dad was graduating from UGA in June and the baby would be born in December. Back then finding out was not nearly as quick as it is today. I left a urine specimen at the doctor's office door with my name on it and they called me at work to let me know. I was truly happy. It was a turbulant time in our history. Right after finding out that I was pregnant, Martin Luther King was assasinated and shortly thereafter Robert Kennedy.
We moved to Macon after graduation and lived next door to my Mother and Daddy. Some may think that that would not be a good thing to do, but it was really good to have both parents close at hand. I was scared to death!!!!! I just didn't think that I would be capable of bringing a baby into this world. I'm not sure why. I remember when Jay's birth was getting near that Mother told me to get all the new baby things washed so they would be ready when I got home from the hospital. I told her that I didn't want to do that because I couldn't return them if something happened. She prevailed and I got ready.
My pregnancy was beautiful. I never had a sick day. In fact, I felt really, really good all the time. The birth, however, was another story. I won't go into details but suffice it to say, it was not pleasant. I weighed a whopping 90 pounds when I got pregnant and Jay weighed 7 lbs 2 oz, so you get the picture. I had such a difficult time that they kept me in the hospital for a full week! The thing that kept me going was that I would look around and know that everyone got here the same way.
I chose this picture of Jay because I have a perfect memory of getting the picture made. People were standing around and oohing and ahhing over the pretty baby. I thought they were being polite. I knew he was beautiful because he was mine. It really hit me that he WAS a beautiful baby when someone passing said to their friend "What a beautiful baby!". It was not intended for me to hear. I was just so filled with pride! I had done it!!!
Obviously, a traumatic event
I made the cake!
It was in July before Jay's first birthday that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. They did a live broadcast of the big event and I will always remember that Jay was sitting in my lap and I was rocking him when the big event occurred. It's funny how certain things stand out in your mind. This was at Mother and Daddy's house. Daddy was really a spoiler. He would give each grandson a basket when they entered Rose's (a Wal-mart type store) and say "Boys, fill'er up". And they would. He would also give Jay a candy bar while he was sitting on top of the breakfast room table while Mother was cooking dinner. I would say "Don't do that!" And the reply from Daddy would be, "You do at your house what you want, but here, I do what I want to!" (I have possession of that table now and everytime I put a table cloth on it, I think of that moment.)
He didn't seem to impressed with Santa.
We were on our way to church.
This is my favorite picture of us together.

Oops, uploaded twice.

Jay at about 4 years old
This is one of my favorite pictures. He looks so happy and his eyes are so blue!

Jay's Senior Picture
One of my proudest moments was Jay's graduation from college. He made me so proud. I actually cried during his graduation and I don't cry often and this was inspite of the loud crowd and hoopla that goes on at a UGA ceremony.

Jay with Olivia and Mary

Jay with Alex

Jay as a Father
There are a few moments in a person's life that is imprinted on the brain forever no matter how long ago it occurred. The moment that Jay was placed in my arms for the first time. (I had to beg the nurse to bring him to me. She said I wouldn't remember it because of the meds, but I do.) The walk on the moon. His graduation from High School. His graduation from College. Seeing each of my Grandchildren for the first time and that overwhelming feeling that comes from that very special moment. I remember my Daddy saying that he didn't mind dying at a young age except he felt like he was the backstop for his grandchildren. I didn't understant it then, but I do now.
Life gets busy, but everyday I see something or hear something that makes me think of my son, especially songs from the 80's!!!
I love you, Son!